Super Hostile Sanguine Conquest
For use with Super Hostile Modpack 1.0.98+
After your romp through Vexelvania, House Vania has a mission for you! Channel your rampaging energy to conquer an island, and retake it from wicked fiends! Embark from a warship, and choose where to land on the island. Conquer dungeons, and find a spot to build your base and the Victory Monument, in this all-new “Conquest” style CTM map.
Super Hostile Vexelvania
For use with Super Hostile Modpack 1.0.97+
Super Hostile Vexelvania is the second map to be built from the bedrock up to use the Super Hostile Modpack. Enter a gothic vampire castle and fight a wide variety of very spooky undead enemies and bosses. Solve the mystery of what House Vania is really up to in their citadel– can you survive their nefarious plans? Get your silver maces ready, and enchant them with smite, because it’s a horrible night to have a curse!
Super Hostile Spellbound Caves II
For use with Super Hostile Modpack 1.0.97+
Super Hostile Spellbound Caves II is the first map to be built from the bedrock up to use the Super Hostile Modpack. Unlike the classic Spellbound Caves, this sequel features actual magic, which you can start using right from the start! You can blast groups of enemies with Chain Lightning or Fireball, or pull yourself away from danger with a well-timed vine rope using the Grapple spell.
There is a huge amount of content to take in, but this map is designed for new players to both Super Hostile, and to the Modpack. You can expect a gentle start, and the Modpack also features quests that teach you how to play. But don’t let the generous tutorials fool you — this is a Super Hostile map, and it hits hard in the later areas!
Super Hostile Dalania
For use with either Minecraft 1.12.2 or the Super Hostile Modpack
Collect wool from dungeons in Super Hostile Dalania to rank up your class and become a walking Victory Monument. While exploring and leaving your mark upon nations and the wild wilderness. It’s like Skyrim and Super Hostile CTM Maps mixed together! The entire map is the continent of Dalania, and within you will find 16 mega-dungeons, over 25 small dungeons, huge cities, towns, remote villages, secrets, and beautiful terrain.
Super Hostile Iceolation
For use with either Minecraft 1.12.2
The first Super Hostile Minecraft map using functions, Iceolation features a custom-built temperature mechanic. Players must keep warm or face the real possibility of freezing to death! From your crashed airship wreckage, embark on a quest to escape your frozen wasteland, and end your… Iceolation!
Super Hostile Waking Up
Works best with Minecraft 1.4.7
Based on a short story of the same name by Andrea J. Buchanan, this CTM map is a wicked and challenging experience, which has been officially adopted as part of the Super Hostile series. Fans of Kaizo Caverns and Spellbound Caves will really enjoy this map. But, fair warning, it’s very difficult.
Super Hostile Inferno Mines
Works best with Minecraft 1.5.2
Explore the vast mining operation left behind by a team of miners and explorers. Deep underground, a huge network of caves, tunnels, massive chasms contains treasure, adventure, and extreme dangers. Defeat all-new enemies made possible with the 1.5 update, and venture even deeper into areas no human has tread for thousands of years.
Super Hostile Spellbound Caves
Works best with Minecraft 1.2.5
This is the first Super Hostile map made from the ground up supporting enchanting and brewing, and the first map created after the armor changes in Minecraft 1.0. Expect wonderful loot, enchanted items, potions, and plenty of monsters to put your awesome items to use against.
Super Hostile Legendary
Works best with Minecraft 1.2.5
The first map using the new difficulty classification “ROMhack” hard. This map features a variety of environments, so the name “Legendary” refers to the difficulty. You will die. You will suffer. You will yell at your computer screen. You will never beat this map, you will only occasionally hear about someone else who did. Good luck, because you will need it.
Super Hostile The Kaizo Caverns
Works best with Minecraft 1.2.5
This map is a network of linked underground caverns. The map takes place entirely underground, and the whole thing is wrapped in a giant cube of bedrock (no escape!) This was the first map of the series where I introduced the Victory Monument goal system. To me, it has a very “Super Metroid” or “Castlevania: Symphony of the Night” feel to it.
Super Hostile Sea of Flame II
Works best with Minecraft 1.2.5
Sea of Flame II is a remake of the first map of the series, which was showing its’ age, and really needed an update. Sea of Flame II contains all new locations and areas, and will be great fun for new people to the series, and also Super Hostile veterans.